this is my old blog from pre 2007. I used it mainly for notes and links I wanted to save
Monday, June 27, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Kether | Unity |
Chokhmah | Unconditioned Creativity |
Binah | Possibility of Boundaries |
Chesed | Conditioned Creativity |
Gevurah | Response to Boundaries |
Tipheret | Self-Consciousness |
Netzach | Response to Creativity |
Hod | Appreciation of Boundaries |
Yesod | Ego |
Malkuth | Diversity This is an abstract approach which concentrates on the polarity of force/creativity and form. In Kabbalah this is expressed as the polarity of Chokhmah and Binah. Chokhmah is the unconditioned creativity that explodes out of unity of Kether. Binah is concealed in this duality, in the separation between Kether and Chokhmah, and expresses the possibility of duality, of separation between one thing and another. Binah is the Mother of Form, the root of separation which forms the basis for all distinctions and finiteness. The Mother receives the creative outpouring of Chokhmah and gives birth to it in Chesed. Chesed reflects the creativity of Chokhmah, but is conditioned by the boundaries and distinctions of Binah. Chesed creates within the realm of the possible; Binah defines what is possible. Gevurah is the response to boundaries. Chesed wants to move existing boundaries around, and Gevurah is the response to that. This response is typically reactionary, a defense of the status quo, an attempt to keep the boundaries where they were. Chesed is active - it changes the status quo. Gevurah is receptive - it takes the existing status quo and defends it. Netzach is the response to creativity. It is the place of aesthetic judgements, of likes and dislikes, of passions for this and that. It is the adulation of a fan for a band, or an artist, or a politician. Hod is the appreciation of boundaries, a passion for classification, rules, detail, hair-splitting definitions. Netzach is active; feelings tell us what we should like. Feelings direct our behaviour. Hod is receptive, in that it elaborates what it is given. The more confusing planetary associations should now (I hope) be clearer. Saturn is the sphere of limitation, old age, death, and corresponds to Binah, the Mother of Form, from whose womb all finiteness comes. Jupiter, the leader, corresponds to Chesed. Mars (as the warrior defending the law and the State) corresponds to Gevurah (but not Mars as the bloodthirsty berserker - this is an aspect of Chesed). Venus, the romantic aesthete, goddess of love and sensual beauty, corresponds to Netzach. Mercury, the god of trade, science, communication, medicine, discourse, trickery, corresponds to Hod |
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
words of boris
To be born in imbecility, in the midst of pain and crisis; to be the
plaything of ignorance, error, need, sickness, wickedness, and passions; to
return step by step to imbecility, from the time of lisping to that of
doting; to live among knaves and charlatans of all kinds; to die between
man who takes your pulse and another who troubles your head; never to know
where you come from, why you come and where you are going! That is what is
called the most important gift of our parents and nature. Life.
It infuriates me to be wrong when I know I'm right.
Most people learn by observing, and a few who learn by
experimenting. And then there are those who actually TOUCH the fire to see
if it's really hot.
Ability is of little account without opportunity.
We don't know who we are until we see what we can do.
History will never accept difficulties as an excuse."
The question isn't "who is going to let me"; it's "who is going to stop me".
Life may have no meaning. Or worse, it may have a meaning that I
disapprove of.
Hell is when there is no reason to live and no courage to die.
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
What I cannot create, I cannot understand.
I won't burn out. No, I'll explode and take everyone with me.
Why does man not see things? He is himself standing in the way: he conceals
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
though it had an underlying truth.
Can I ask a rhetorical question? Well, can I?
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend, inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read.
The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
recomended motion graphics
<DIV><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><A href=""></A><BR><BR><BR></DIV>
Monday, May 09, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
Fw: dolly
RE: Home-brewed Geared Camera Heads for Stop Mo?
Mon Mar-03-03 01:56 PM
In response to Reply # 15
Hey everybody!
Sorry for the delay but I am happily writing this month from my source of
all mojo in Prague. It's the first time I've been here since 9-11, so I am
stoked, to say the least.
Anyway, to business. The students that use my Bogen head dealio place tape
on the head with marked off increments at the posistion indicator for each
axis. You know, the little round areas with the dot for a "pointer". It is
far from luxurious, but it gets the job done. I know the heads don't allow
for nodal adjustments, but considering the environment they are used in,
it is not an issue. The "keystoning" that occurs with the image is
certainly undesireable, but I had to weigh the cost effectivness of an
off-the-shelf finished and durable pan/tilt head against the desire and
experience of first-time animators. Otherwise, the finished rig would be
difficult to produce for a reasonable price. Anyway, while thinking out
the design of this rig, I came up with a plan to use two rotary tables to
create a pan/tilt head that was more to specs with our needs. A beautiful
4" rotary table is avaiable from Sherline products. It costs $250.00, but
is is a nice solid American made table. For $650.00, you can get it rigged
with a step motor and controller. I use one for table-top commercial jobs
and it's the Bees knees. It would take some imagination to work out eases
with the controller, but it can be done. Sherline now offers a linear
controller as well, but I have yet to get my hands on it. It is a few
notches down on my priority list from drinking beer in Prague, so perhaps
now that I'm getting that settled, I can think about some new toys in the
future. I can't afford a whole motion-control system, but the Sherline
product offers a great solution to simpler set-ups (they can be linked
together) Anyway, the Sherline tables come drilled and tapped for mounting
to thier various acessories, so all you have to do is locate the holes on
some plate stock and bolt or weld it at right angles (or use a monster
chunk of aluminum angle stock if you have it) and you're ready to rock and
roll. You might try making the holes for the table mounts elongated so you
can tune the nodal point by sliding the respective plates back and forth
as needed.
So, I hope that helps. I'll be out and about in my beloved city but I'll
check back when I can. Na stravi!
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Fw: dolly
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: dolly
Edmund Scientific stuff to build your own dolly track,,...
Sun Dec-26-04 08:51 PM
Some cool stuff from Edmund Scientific. You could combine elements
together to make a precision dolly/truck/lift track.
These are lab-jacks. They will give precise vertical camera movement by a
simple turn of the knob:
This is a rack and pinion track:
The rack and pinion track was popular back in the 70's. it was advertised
extensively in "Super-8 Filmaker" and "Cinemagic".
My solution was to get a $20 RV levelling jack, used to jack up the
corners of mobile homes. It's just like a scissors jack for a car, but
twice as big (or bigger), and rather than having a funky hook at the top
that's made to fit into a slot in the frame of the car, it's got a flat
plate with some mounting holes... perfect for attaching a camera. The base
also has mounting holes, which were a perfect fit for the T-slot bolts on
my machinist's table for side-to-side and forward/backward motion. The
movement is a lot smoother than the lab jack I bought. For anyone who
hasn't seen this already, I have my camera-jack system documented on my
My setup is limited to only 11" travel along one axis, and I think 7" the
other way, but has an incredible 20" of lift. I'd like to step up to a
better slide one day, and was thinkjing about a couple of drawer slides,
but that slide you linked to might be better (Haven't really checked out
the specs yet).
I know this subject has been covered to death but I would like to add
another solution. I just picked up a Bolex Super Titling Bench from Ebay
with the thought of doing titles the old fasioned way and it occured to me
it could be used for dolley shots. One of its features is to do a moving
camera shot. This is acheived by moving the carriage on the slider posts.
It even has a ruler built in for measurement. Total travel is about 27.5".
The bench can be positioned horizontal or vertical. You would need some
kind of adapter if you want to do vertical moves to keep the camera
horizontal or if that's the camera angle you want, then you're fine. You
would also have to secure it somehow so it doesn't move around when you
are moving the carriage. You could also use the bench to do traditional
cell animation in the vertical position. The bench is really well built.
This system is not as sophisticated like some other home built solutions
presented here but it may provide a cheaper way to do dolley shots. Here
is a good description of it here and it can also be found in the "Bolex
Bible" book:
There's a bench on Ebay right now that shows a clear picture of the
platform with the ruler attached. Item number: 3849533801. It is only the
bench and not all the accessories found in the super titler kit.
It's probably not the most user friendly description of what I did, but
hopefully it will work.
If you have any specific questions let me know
Thursday, February 17, 2005
armature goodness
Monday, February 14, 2005
Fw: crystal synth
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: crystal synth
> free download!
> powerful synthesizer
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Fw: [drab future] Fw: [drab future] Fw: explain
the waystation is the means that exports can be transported across millions of miles, and each waystation is manned by a navigator. a waystation is essentially an orbiting gate which emits a highly focused magnetic beam. These beams draw streams os cargo through and away to other waystations. in this way each planet can be supplied with all the nescessary resources for creating more annexbots and waystations.
in use it was discovered that equiping standard annexbots with feet made from any inorganic material such as metal, meant that they would wear out in harsh climates. so a common solution to this is to graft hooves or some other regenerating material as feet.
irata is a hunter. very seldom does a navigator remain on the surface. if the annexbot is a knight, irata would be a bishop.
john burden is the name given to the man in the box. he is pure biomass, an investment of resources, capable of being ground down for central nervous systems, or tissue.
----- Original Message -----
From: brad
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 8:01 PM
Subject: [drab future] Fw: [drab future] Fw: explain
here is annother chapter,
the expansion rifel is the standard peice of equipment for the annexbot. its primary function is to release projectiles consisting of - clusters of rapidly expanding nanites. however its usefulness is that it can be altered to serve any desired purpose. in this sense it expands. can form fluid dispersal, cutting, combustion. the rifel itself consists of many nanites.
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:49 PM
Subject: explain
here is the beginning of an explaination
the inspiration is a story i heard about the colonization of mars. i don't
know if it is true, but that doesn't change my feelings about it.
a ship goes out the journey takes so long that the people who arrive are
actually the generation after those who left home. these people would be
born with no exposure to virus etc, so they would need to have their
immunities boosted artificially. this is achieved by implanting nanites
into their bodies.
the limited crew members would limit the amount of generations before
inbreeding. The first solution is to hold biosamples and implement
since these nanites are essentially electronic robots they need a power
source. since batteries or capacitors would eventually wear down, and size
is a major issue, developers took a more biological route. there was
discovered a single celled organism which spun. its entire life consisted
in making clockwise(?) rotation. this organism provides the biomass to
drive the motors etc...
the first step once the ships reach the planet is terra forming. this is
achieved by spreading over the surface of the atmosphere a single celled
plant, which would convert the atmosphere from carbon dioxide to
breathable oxygen.
these ideas set the stage for the world of annex.
the annexbot is the colonist. a robot designed to scout potential planets
for their usefulness. within them is the seed of the navigator. their cns
core is a generating nerve sample taken from the navigator. as the sample
grows, the annexbot becomes the navigator.
the navigator has never been on the surface of a planet. His body having
never been subject to gravity is nearly totally atrophied.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Fw: [drab future] Fw: explain
the expansion rifel is the standard peice of equipment for the annexbot. its primary function is to release projectiles consisting of - clusters of rapidly expanding nanites. however its usefulness is that it can be altered to serve any desired purpose. in this sense it expands. can form fluid dispersal, cutting, combustion. the rifel itself consists of many nanites.
----- Original Message -----
From: brad
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:32 PM
Subject: [drab future] Fw: explain
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:49 PM
Subject: explain
here is the beginning of an explaination
the inspiration is a story i heard about the colonization of mars. i don't
know if it is true, but that doesn't change my feelings about it.
a ship goes out the journey takes so long that the people who arrive are
actually the generation after those who left home. these people would be
born with no exposure to virus etc, so they would need to have their
immunities boosted artificially. this is achieved by implanting nanites
into their bodies.
the limited crew members would limit the amount of generations before
inbreeding. The first solution is to hold biosamples and implement
since these nanites are essentially electronic robots they need a power
source. since batteries or capacitors would eventually wear down, and size
is a major issue, developers took a more biological route. there was
discovered a single celled organism which spun. its entire life consisted
in making clockwise(?) rotation. this organism provides the biomass to
drive the motors etc...
the first step once the ships reach the planet is terra forming. this is
achieved by spreading over the surface of the atmosphere a single celled
plant, which would convert the atmosphere from carbon dioxide to
breathable oxygen.
these ideas set the stage for the world of annex.
the annexbot is the colonist. a robot designed to scout potential planets
for their usefulness. within them is the seed of the navigator. their cns
core is a generating nerve sample taken from the navigator. as the sample
grows, the annexbot becomes the navigator.
the navigator has never been on the surface of a planet. His body having
never been subject to gravity is nearly totally atrophied.
Producers, assemblers, replicators, transmuters,
Friday, February 04, 2005
Fw: space suits
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:15 PM
Subject: space suits
> space suit replica
> space helmet replica
> diving helmet replica
> sound bug
Fw: explain
----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:49 PM
Subject: explain
here is the beginning of an explaination
the inspiration is a story i heard about the colonization of mars. i don't
know if it is true, but that doesn't change my feelings about it.
a ship goes out the journey takes so long that the people who arrive are
actually the generation after those who left home. these people would be
born with no exposure to virus etc, so they would need to have their
immunities boosted artificially. this is achieved by implanting nanites
into their bodies.
the limited crew members would limit the amount of generations before
inbreeding. The first solution is to hold biosamples and implement
since these nanites are essentially electronic robots they need a power
source. since batteries or capacitors would eventually wear down, and size
is a major issue, developers took a more biological route. there was
discovered a single celled organism which spun. its entire life consisted
in making clockwise(?) rotation. this organism provides the biomass to
drive the motors etc...
the first step once the ships reach the planet is terra forming. this is
achieved by spreading over the surface of the atmosphere a single celled
plant, which would convert the atmosphere from carbon dioxide to
breathable oxygen.
these ideas set the stage for the world of annex.
the annexbot is the colonist. a robot designed to scout potential planets
for their usefulness. within them is the seed of the navigator. their cns
core is a generating nerve sample taken from the navigator. as the sample
grows, the annexbot becomes the navigator.
the navigator has never been on the surface of a planet. His body having
never been subject to gravity is nearly totally atrophied.
Producers, assemblers, replicators, transmuters,
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
2.5 Fraction collection according to volume
If you utilise the peristaltic pump Preciflow you can take fractions of precise volume (from 0.01 to 500 ml per fraction). The heart of this pump is a stepping motor controlled by a generator of electric impulses (microprocessor). After each impulse the motor turns by one step. This movement displaces a small precise volume of liquid. The collector counts these impulses and make thus possible to deliver an exact volume of liquid to each fraction. This method is much better than the old drop counting, where the volume is affected by the viscosity or surface tension etc.
GSR in Biofeedback: The galvanic skin response (GSR) feedback instrument measures skin conductivity from the fingers and / or palms. The GSR is highly sensitive to emotions in some people. GSR feedback has been used in the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhydorses) and related dermatological conditions, and for relaxing and desensitization training.