Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2.5 Fraction collection according to volume

If you utilise the peristaltic pump Preciflow you can take fractions of precise volume (from 0.01 to 500 ml per fraction). The heart of this pump is a stepping motor controlled by a generator of electric impulses (microprocessor). After each impulse the motor turns by one step. This movement displaces a small precise volume of liquid. The collector counts these impulses and make thus possible to deliver an exact volume of liquid to each fraction. This method is much better than the old drop counting, where the volume is affected by the viscosity or surface tension etc.




GSR in Biofeedback: The galvanic skin response (GSR) feedback instrument measures skin conductivity from the fingers and / or palms. The GSR is highly sensitive to emotions in some people. GSR feedback has been used in the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhydorses) and related dermatological conditions, and for relaxing and desensitization training.