Monday, November 22, 2004

the study of hidden or undiscovered animals
Lepus cornutus
i see the role of the designer in my work, and this is the area i am beginning to feel is lacking. I sit down to make more little expirimental films, and all i can come up with is little snippets. parts, elements, the way these elements relate to the whole is its design. but it feels like i havn't been able to make a whole in a long while. I can create anything I want, given enough time and the right materials, so what do i want? I feel like I don't yet really know so i concentrate on little waves, on the parts. what it is the thing i want to make? a world? yes, a world. What is a world? The collection of feelings associations. A world is an all encompasing collection of rules and feelings. imagine everything. yes. What am I trying to say? What am I doing?I shall have to narrow it down, simplify. one thing at a time. by creating a collection of things, feelings, messeges, glimpses into annother life. through the parts we can see the whole, so I begin with the parts...
either i have become lost, or i am on the right path.
While other mammals prefer a full moon, Fenwick claimed that jackalopes mate only during nocturnal lightning flashes.
is "perhaps the rarest animal in North America.
two African stories, one in which the rabbit wants to fit in with the other horned animals and makes himself a pair of wax horns, which melted when he sat by the fire.
The other legend has a rabbit loaning his horns to a deer and then never being fast enough to catch the deer and get his horns back.
the animal's purported propensity to attack ferociously anything that threatened it
Australian Drop Bear
According to legend, you can tell if these dangerous creatures are hiding in a gum tree by lying on your back beneath the tree and spitting upwards. If the Drop Bear is up there, it'll spit back.
brer rabbit

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Fw: recomended anime

----- Original Message -----
From: "brad something"
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:39 PM
Subject: recomended anime

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Saturday, November 20, 2004

Friday, November 19, 2004

i just had a show last night, had a lot of fun. it was supprising, a lot of people showed up, somehow that still suprises me. we did an interview with some people from channle 32, kmpt. it'll air in january, we'll se how it goes. it might be really funny...

it woun't make sense...
what if instead of injecting a serum to mutate the biomass, we monitored and maintained it by adjusting the levels circulating through the tank.

i think i am either going to make a mad sort of overwhelming video of visual collage, that will include my sculpture... or i am going to make a series of short annexbot clips, or animate my comic book, or finish the video for paraphan,

i feel a bit refreshed after the show, lets see how long it lasts...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

i don't feel like my needs are being met as a student. While the school has much to offer in the way of facilities, and the teachers are well versed in their respective programs, I frequently need to remind myself that this is a highly technical school. basically I need to keep telling myself that I am enrolled in a tradeschool, that trade just happens to be "art". A large part of the problem seems to be in separating form and content. All I am learning here is form. each class either introduces a new program, or delves more deeply into one. The work being produced is totally devoid of meaning.
Right now I just want to learn how to say something. Communication. I want to develope the idea, the message. I just keep telling myself that this will pass, and that now i just need to do my work. that the important thing is that peice of paper that I'm working towards, but I realize that that peice of paper only means that I'm willing to do this work that I don't want to do, work that I find both meaningless and pointless.

Friday, November 12, 2004

cool stuff
My name is brad isdrab. I am an artist and I am 24 years old. I am not a person who can slowly allow time to pass. I am always doing something, and often three things at a time. This means that at any given time I have three projects going, and I always have new artwork, in some form. I am hopelessly addicted to what I call the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of getting something done.  There are smaller pieces, which I use to develop my ideas, like sketches, which I show and sell, and larger more elaborate pieces, which I use for my films. Presently I am developing a comic into a film, and another three films in addition to two music videos. I hope that by showing my work and creating a following, my work can be seen by people who like it enough to want to help me create it. I am hoping to find investors, and people to help the worlds I want to make real.
either really dumb, or kinda funny

Thursday, November 11, 2004

and here is annother reson i should just quit now
fucking cool, i can't emphasize enough how cool these are... this is the closest thing to my art i can find anywhere


the three last movies i watched...(i stopped posting for a bit, but now i think i'll try again)
100 girls - shot like a tv show, and the writing was not much better, but it kept my attention and was alot better than i'd thought
die hard with a vengence- total mindless entertainment, for the whole time i watched it i was entertained...
12 monkeys
i remember wishing once that i was a silhouette

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

i keep thinking (fearing) that soon i'll end up taking some job teaching... I suppose its not really something to fear, but regardless i worry that i might end up there rather than fulfilling my dreams...

Saturday, November 06, 2004


i think all of my problems can be boiled down to alienation. not in some basic way, but in the way that marx really intended. I wish only to spend my time making things. the things i make what are they worth? are they worth only what people will spend on them? so what says that about my labor?
i feel confused

Thursday, November 04, 2004

ambien memories... too few to remember i get distracted end the keys loose all meaning

Monday, November 01, 2004

i hate everything, i feel like nothing can give me any satisfaction. I miss sculpting. something that made sense. I wonder how long its been since i had any free time. none. my mother laid this huge guilt trip on me today first thing when i woke up, i don't see her enough, or so she'd have me believe. I don't even have enough time to do things I want to do. I hate school, I feel like everything I am studying is pointless, like everything I am learning will be obsolete in three years. I wish I were studing how to develope my ideas, or at least express myself. it seems the longer I study code the less i am able to communicate with anyone.
I want to give up, but i can't